1. How can I book my visit?

Contact us by telephone 613.699.6510 or by email at info@balancepsychology.ca to arrange your first visit. If you'd like before meeting in person the first time we will offer you a free, brief telephone consultation. After your first visit you'll have access to online booking. or you can book by phone or email. 

2. What are the fees?

The fees are consistent with the Ontario Psychological Association suggested rates. Please contact us for further information on fees. HST is not charged on psychologist's fees. 

3. Are your services covered by most insurance policies and/or tax deductible? 

Yes, most health insurance policies cover the services you will receive at Balance Psychology and Wellness Practice. You will receive a receipt from an Ontario Registered Psychologist which you can present to your insurance provider for reimbursement. Please check your insurance policy before your fist visit. Many insurance policies (eg. Public Service Health Care Plan) cover all or most of the fees and have an annual benefit of 5000$ (July 2023). Psychologist fees are tax deductible. Often services can be coordinated with WSIB, Veterans Affairs, Native Affairs, Green Shield and Blue Cross. 

2. What payment options do I have? 

Cash, cheque, Visa, e-transfer (pre-appointment). 

3. What if I have to cancel an appointment ?

Life happens! It is fine to cancel an appointment although at Balance we request 24 hours notice of a cancellation or you will be charged for the visit. 

4. How long are the visits? 

Each visit is 55 minutes long. 

5. Who do I contact in a crisis? 

If this is an emergency, or you are having a serious crisis please present yourself to the nearest Emergency Room or call 911. Alternatively you may call the Ottawa Crisis Line at 613.722.6914, the Toronto Crisis Line 416 408-4357 or 408-HELP or TeleHealth at 1.866.797.0000.